Wild Fire is basically a chainable Dark Hole that requires a Blaze Accelerator to be on the field, but then it summons out a token (which can be particularly useful in some builds like Volcanic Monarchs). The 500 Life Point cost is laughable although it might be something to worry slightly about late game, but generally Dark Hole is worth 500 points. Although you can't declare an attack when you activate this card, since it is quickplay you can set it an use it to interrupt your opponents plays on their turn then attack on yours.
So what I wanted to do with this card is run through what you could do with it first turn against the big 3. First we have Rabbit. Against Rabbit they might bring out a beatstick like Guiaba/Sabersaurus/TKRO or the likes. Drop this and it dies. Alternatively they might play Rabbit, call prio and bring out two Vanillas. Pop those Vanillas and they don't get a Laggia/Dolkka. The only play that this is less optimal against is the TGU play, or the set 1 play. TGU brings out Sangan and giving them the search would be reckless, same as for the set 1. If they set a monster it will likely either be Sangan or Snowman. Against Snowman you want to Wild Fire, but against Sangan you really don't unless you have a response for Rabbit all set.
Then there is the Inzektor match-up. Inzektors turn 1 will be trying to pop your stuff. They summon out the Centipede or the Dragonfly and you pop it with this like you would play a Torrential Tribute. I don't play Inzektors much (because I don't play much) but other than that I don't know much plays they make turn 1.
Against the Wind-Up match-up, you can wreck their combos. They might try to swarm the field with stuff before Exceeding. If you can blow that field up after they Normal Summon they need a Reborn to continue comboing which is less than likely. The other play Wind-Ups like to make is drop a Wind-Up Rabbit and sit on that. In this situation your Wild Fire will be much more dead because Rabbit can dodge. In fact Rabbit will basically dodge whatever you try to do.
This card is also particularly useful in Volcanic Monarchs, much like the deck that topped SJC San Mateo in '07, which I posted about yesterday. This allows you to go from 2 backrow to non in your opponents End Phase giving you access to Treeborn Frog and the Token you just got. Personally I would have run an LaDD in that deck because it wouldn't be too hard to get. Even on it's own though Wild Fire gives you that Token to tribute which can be clutch.
One thing to mention though is that you must be really careful of Mystical Space Typhoon with this card. You see, it doesn't destroy Blaze Accelerator as a cost. That is part of the effect. If you don't have a Blaze Accelerator face up when it resolves to destroy, you cannot nuke the monsters which means that this card has no effect. In this way your opponents MST goes from a +0 to a +1. In a 3 MST format, this is something you will need to be really wary of when using this card.
I hope this post makes up for yesterday's really low quality post. Thanks for reading and make sure to keep the fire going!