This isn't anything Volcanic related, just a quick little update on the behind the scenes at The Volcanic Project. Firstly I want to say that what I'm trying to do is post an entry every day at 12:00 PST. This way I can get ahead of myself on content and I won't have to worry about missing a day. It also means that I can write tons on days I'm bored and this blog will continue long after I decide to leave. Isn't that slightly creepy? Either way that is my current schedule.
Next I want to talk about the look we have. Right now it kinda looks aweful. This is a default theme by Blogspot which sucks. I have a friend who is really awesome at GFX (Rai) and he is making me a back ground which will be awesome. I'm also looking for a logo with Volcanic Doomfire. I know I don't have a following as is, but I'm going to ask you to comment with a link to your attempts just to help me because I could really use one.
One last thing to mention is that I have added a few things down at the bottom of the page. The first thing is a helpful links section. It will be links to basically anything I talk about outside this blog and will have tons of information. I would highly suggestion looking at them. I also added a "Follow by Email" box and I made it easier to subscribe to this using your Google account. Those are both things I would suggest doing if you want to get updates on my blog (though since I want to post daily at 12 it isn't too useful.
Well that is all I had to say for now. Peace out!
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